Monday, June 27, 2011

Feeling Crafty -- Door Wreath

After searching the internet looking for wreaths to purchase and finding nothing I liked for under $30, I decided to get crafty. I printed a Michael's coupon and headed there after work. My initial plan was to make a boxwood wreath with white berries. Here is the loot I collected for about $12. 

Wreath Making Loot - wreath, faux boxwood garland, wire,
ribbon, and berries.

I took the faux boxwood garland and tied it with green floral wire to the wreath form. Attaching it with wire every 2-3 inches to make sure everything is secure.

Loop your wire in the front and tie both ends in the back.

Keep all of the wire twists on the back side.

After attaching all of the boxwood, I placed the berry branches on top to see what they would look like. After staring and rearranging, I decided I liked the boxwood au natural. The plus? My project went from $12 to $9! I added an ivory bow so it would hang a bit lower on the door and have some visual interest.

The finished product!

This incredibly simple and cheap project added so much to our door, giving our curb appeal an extra boost!

Look at that pretty door.

Have you had a crafty inspiration lately? Was it because you are a penny-pincher like me?


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Magic Carpet Ride

Oh how I underestimated the statement making power of a rug. Our dining room has been coming together nicely, but it was lacking a little pizazz and color. Enter Big Blue, the trellis rug.

I had been all gooey eyed over this beautiful rug ever since seeing it over on A Well Dressed Home. Not having a Garden Ridge anywhere near by, we took the opportunity to track one down the other weekend while in McDonough, GA for a our friend's wedding. I was on a mission. After scouring through their massive rug selection, I saw a little hint of trellis rolled up and shrink wrapped poking out from a giant pile. Score.

They had a 5x8 and an 8x10 version. Being the bad judge of distance and size that I am, David and I unrolled the smaller one to see how big it really was. After determining that the smaller one would be taken over by our large table, we decided to go with the 8x10. At only $99 (!!) it was a steal for a rug that large. After a 3.5 hour car ride with a rolled up rug stretching from the trunk of the Jeep all the way to the shifter, we were home. The suspense was killing me.

We immediately unrolled Big Blue and it was love at first sight. He turned out to be the perfect size for our dining room.

Big Blue in all his glory!

Don't mind all of the wrinkles, after 2 weeks they have finally fallen out -- this thing was rolled tight and heavy duty shrink wrapped!

Now, we are on a mission for a solid wood sideboard (I have my eye on a beauty at Nadeau) and some curtains. Oh, and we will get around to staining those chair day.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Pin You

I am addicted to Pinterest. There, I said it.

For those of you wondering what the heck I am talking about, let me enlighten you. Pinterest is perhaps the niftinest social networking tool. Ever. It is like having a bulletin board collide with your computer's bookmark bar. And the best part is not only do you get to get to stare at georgeous pictures galore, but each photo is linked to it's source -- It's like, "Love the pillow? No problem, here is where you can buy it." Amazing.

A look at our Home Inspiration board.

Just check it out for yourself -- here is our page of pin boards, enjoy!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Beauty and the Beast

We had eyeballed this chandelier on Overstock long before purchasing our house. We both loved the rustic look and David deemed it his favorite chandelier "of all time." We kept the fixture book marked and when we were finally ready to purchase it, it was sold out. No good. So, we kept an eye out for its return while searching for a comparable one in case it never returned. Well, low and behold nearly 3 months later (and after searching all of Internet land for a replacement), it was back! Needless to say we jumped on and ordered it right then and there. About 5 days later it arrived in all of its oh-so-large chandelier glory and after about 2 more days we were ready to open the box and tackle the task of hanging a heavy chandelier from a vaulted ceiling. Not something to take lightly, my friends.

The original chandelier.

The new chandelier.

This chandelier may be a beauty, but it was a beast to put together. The rods that run from top to bottom are not secured, they merely loop into each other making it impossible to hold while wiring everything. Needless to say, my biceps got one heck of a workout while I held the monstrosity above my head as David did all of the electrical work. An hour later it was hung...but not straight. It kept spinning around and would not stay still. So after another 30 minutes of fidgeting with chains and screws, we finally had a perfectly hung, gorgeous and beefy chandelier. Hooray us.

Isn't she a beauty. Although the hanging process was harder than any other light fixture we have ever installed, the end result was so worth it. The rustic vibe goes nicely with our fabulous new dining table, featured here.

Have you hung any jaw-dropping or impact-making chandeliers lately?