Sunday, June 26, 2011

Magic Carpet Ride

Oh how I underestimated the statement making power of a rug. Our dining room has been coming together nicely, but it was lacking a little pizazz and color. Enter Big Blue, the trellis rug.

I had been all gooey eyed over this beautiful rug ever since seeing it over on A Well Dressed Home. Not having a Garden Ridge anywhere near by, we took the opportunity to track one down the other weekend while in McDonough, GA for a our friend's wedding. I was on a mission. After scouring through their massive rug selection, I saw a little hint of trellis rolled up and shrink wrapped poking out from a giant pile. Score.

They had a 5x8 and an 8x10 version. Being the bad judge of distance and size that I am, David and I unrolled the smaller one to see how big it really was. After determining that the smaller one would be taken over by our large table, we decided to go with the 8x10. At only $99 (!!) it was a steal for a rug that large. After a 3.5 hour car ride with a rolled up rug stretching from the trunk of the Jeep all the way to the shifter, we were home. The suspense was killing me.

We immediately unrolled Big Blue and it was love at first sight. He turned out to be the perfect size for our dining room.

Big Blue in all his glory!

Don't mind all of the wrinkles, after 2 weeks they have finally fallen out -- this thing was rolled tight and heavy duty shrink wrapped!

Now, we are on a mission for a solid wood sideboard (I have my eye on a beauty at Nadeau) and some curtains. Oh, and we will get around to staining those chair day.


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